Social Media Photography

With social media now booming and being greater than ever, it’s really important your social media photography is on point. LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook being just a few of the platforms. That’s why at Barney Warner Photography, we take the very best care. We ensure that when capturing your portrait it really brings out the best in your character and personality. Which is penultimately what sells… You. Social networking is the one thing that we can all excel at. You don’t need a degree in socialising, just be yourself. This is why the industry is so popular. Therefore Barney Warner Photography offer a package now that helps express yourself and really makes the most of your social profile. With our professional photographic service we push you, to extract your best look, your best reflection, your best profile picture. But of course this doesn’t mean the look is unprofessional. The package ensures not only do we capture you in your working environment (where possible), but also as a business profile too. To capture both helps get the serious business ethic across to your viewer, it also ensures you are seen in your natural environment, where you are most comfortable. This is […]

County Mall PR photographer Crawley

Today’s main event took place at Crawley’s County Mall, where there was a big unveiling of the newest changing facility for people with disabilities. I was employed to cover the event by a PR agent for the project. Which included a state of the art hoist for people with problems climbing onto changing beds, an electronic bed and an electronic basin which all rise and fall to suit the user. It’s so often taken for granted when using public amenities. I think we all tend to over look the facts that standard conveniences give less abled people less opportunities and ease of use. I never would have imagined how important it actually is that a changing bed would need to rise and fall, the basin too. But with a little imagination it’s easy to see why. People simply rush about thier normal lives not giving these daily musts a second thought. But for a disabled person these day to day duties are the most important part of the day. Knowing or not knowing is a reson for going out or staying in. As I arrived, many local celebs, Chris Oxslade, (used to run the local radio station, now a media […]

Commercial Photography Crawley

Today’s shoot was for a new client, they are a PR rep for a really great company called   The company help provide disabled people to use public facilites with ease. So not your typical shoot, but then all my work is so varied. This is why I love what I do! (Variety is the spice of life apparently lol).   Thinking like a wheelchair user I could not imagine how difficult it must be not knowing if there would be any public restrooms that could cater for wheelchair access on a day out. Having to ‘hold it in’ is a horrible feeling, but invisage doing that on a daily basis I think it would be a nightmare!! Well Closo-Mat help overcome this by providing new tech to enable wheelchair users access these taken for granted ‘daily musts’. Today it was my task to go capture the restroom and its surroundings to show the local area and its location within, to accompany the photography of the new tech. Tilgate Lakes and the Nature Centre are a family favourite, my twin children simply love coming to this venue, to visit animals, to walk around the lakes, to sit and enjoy […]